Development Lecture ÖFSE – Austrian Research Foundation for International Development
Kari Polanyi Levitt, renowned Canadian development economist and daughter of Karl Polanyi, visited Vienna to participate at the foundation of the International Karl Polanyi Society in May 2018. On this occasion, she gave a lecture at the 14th ÖFSE Development Lecture on the challenges for development economics in the age of neoliberal globalization. Kari Polanyi Levitt received an award for her lifetime achievements by the City of Vienna.
Watch a recording of the whole lecture here:
Kari Polanyi was born in Vienna, where she spent most of her childhood. Her father went into exile in 1933, Kari in 1934 and her mother Ilona, an anti-fascist activist, in 1936. Many central-european intellectuals followed them into exile to Great Britain. Once arrived, they quickly became part of an innovative milieu of expatriates and the british elite, who not only changed economics through the Keynesian Revolution, but also did an important job on development politics.
Read the opening speech, held by Andreas Novy, here: