
Andreas Novy
Andreas Novy is associate professor and head of the Institute for Multi-Level Governance and Development at the Department of Socioeconomics at WU Vienna. He is president of the International Karl Polanyi Society (IKPS). In 2019 he received, together with Brigitte Aulenbacher, Richard Bärnthaler and Veronika Heimerl, the Kurt-Rothschild-Award for his work on Karl Polanyi. His most recent publications include Local social innovation to combat poverty and exclusion: a critical appraisal (co-eds. S. Oosterlynck and Y. Kazepov (2020, Polity Press), Kari Polanyi: Die Finanzialisierung der Welt. Karl Polanyi und die neoliberale Transformation der Weltwirtschaft (2020, Beltz Verlag; co-eds. M. Brie and C. Thomasberger; German translation of From the Great Transformation to the Great Financialisation), Karl Polanyi: Wiederentdeckung eines Jahrhundertdenkers (2020, Falter, co-eds. B. Aulenbacher, M. Marterbauer and A. Thurnher) and Zukunftsfähiges Wirtschaften (Future-fit Economics) (2020, Beltz Verlag, together with R. Bärnthaler and V. Heimerl).

Judith Dellheim
Judith Dellheim is a senior research fellow at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin, Germany. She has worked on foreign trade of the GDR. Since 1990, Judith has been working on economies of solidarity, on political parties and movements, and on economic policies. She was a member of the Federal Board of the PDS in 1995–2003, a freelance scientific consultant from 2004–2010, and has been a senior researcher at the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation since 2011. She is the co-editor of Rosa Luxemburg: A Permanent Challenge for Political Economy and The Unfinished System of Karl Marx.

Franz Baumann
Prof. Dr. Franz Baumann started his career at the European Parliament in Luxembourg before transferring to the European Commission in Brussels, joining Siemens in Munich and, in 1980, the United Nations, where he served in four cities on three continents in a variety of functions. His last assignment was Special Adviser on Environment and Peace Operations with the rank of Assistant Secretary-General.
He has been a Visiting Research Professor at NYU since 2017 (https://as.nyu.edu/…/nyu-as/as/faculty/franz-baumann.html). Baumann is a Senior Fellow and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Hertie School in Berlin, a member of the Board of Directors of the Academic Council on the United Nations System as well as a member of the Board of Advisers of the Centre for United Nations Studies at the University of Buckingham. His Ph.D. in Political Science (African Studies) was obtained from Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.