planning for climate change - WORKSHOP

We are excited to announce our expert workshop on “Planning for Climate Change” funded by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation! Join us on May 22nd @WU to explore the role of planning for socio-ecological transformation. Register now at to hear experts on the topic and be a part of the dialogue! Please indicate whether you want to participate online or on location.

The current ecological, digital, and geopolitical transformations have challenged European market-based governance. Deep, complex, and entangled multiple crises require effective public policymaking to transform existing socio-technical as well as provisioning systems. This will not be possible without planning, i.e., coordinated and goal-oriented agency by multiple public and private actors. Learning from past successes and failures, innovative forms of planning will have to substitute current European incremental and fragmented policy making.

This dialogue-oriented expert workshop, organized by the International Karl Polanyi Society and funded by the Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation, will explore the potential of multi-level democratic planning to steer the transformation of socio-technical and politico-economic systems. It is structured in two sessions.

The first session will use learnings from historical planning experiences to explore current renaissance of planning. The session will evaluate proposals for contemporary democratic planning  be it eco social policies to transform provisioning systems or green industrial policies to transition towards a circular economy .

The second session focuses on the political economy of climate change and the possibility, need
and potential of better planning climate neutral and climate resilient transformations.

our speakers

Basak Kus

Colleen Schneider

Board Member

Jana Brandl

Lucia Behring

Manuel Scholz-Wäckerle

Lauren McKown

Matthias Schmelzer

PhotoCredit: Lauren McKown

Solveig Degen

Tatjana Boczy

PhotoCredit: Kristina Eisfeld

Werner Raza

Organised by:

International Karl Polanyi Society, 
WU Vienna

Made possible with funds from:

The Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation Brussels.